* Strict silence should be observed in the Library
* Books and other personal belongings should not be taken into the Library.
* Identity card is a must for library tansaction.UG students can borrow 1 book, PG students can borrow 2 books and research scholars can borrow 5 books. The books will be issued for 15 days subject to renewals till the 31st of March every year Renewals are allowed only once on the due date and when there are no claim by others.
* Teachers can borrow 10 books at a time. All the books taken by the Staff must be returned on 31st March of the corresponding year.
* All the books will be returned on the date marked on the date label found on the front page of the book. Absence from College will not be an excuse for not returning the books on time.A fine will be collected from the defaulters.
* Loss of books has to be reported to the Library Staff as soon as possible. Lost books will have to be replaced or the cost of the books will be collected as per rule. The cost of the lost books will be assessed as multiples for each decade according to the year of publication of the book.
* The Library follows the open access system.
* Borrowers are responsible for the books marked against their names. In case of damage they shall pay the cost of replacement or rebinding. If a book is noticed to be damaged at the time of issue, the attention of the Library Staff should be called to the fact.
* Every user is supposed to enter the details of the books and journals issued as well as referred, in the issue register provided at the counter.
* Students should return their borrower’s tickets to the Library before they claim their hall tickets.
* Scribbling and mutilating the books will be severely dealt with.
* Books issued from the Library shall be returned when called for.
* In all matters regarding the Library the decision of the Principal shall be final.
* Free internet facility is provided to all students. Students are advised to use the internet for learning purpose rather than for sending mails, chatting etc.
* Books should be handled with care and mutilation of books in any manner will be heavily fined.
* All books should be returned before the commencement of vacation.
* Avoid using mobile phones inside the library.